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Tonos Latin Dance Business Partners Program

Welcome to the Tonos Latin Dance Business Partner Program!


Joining our program offers a unique opportunity to enhance your business's visibility and engage with our vibrant dance community. Here's what our program includes:

Website Partner Directory

Showcase your business in our online partner directory on our website. Students can easily find your business and visit your website. You also have the option to offer special discounts to our students when they present evidence of class enrollment.

Gozadera During Event Promotion

Promote your business at our Gozadera events with a vertical banner or on our TV. This exposure during our lively events helps you reach a wider audience and connect with potential customers.

Event Vendor Discount

Receive a discount to be a vendor at certain events hosted by Tonos Latin Dance, such as our Family Latin Sunday. This provides you with additional opportunities to showcase your products or services directly to our community.

Set a Booth/Banner at our Studio

Once a month, you have the opportunity to set up a booth or banner at our studio. This allows you to introduce your business to our students as they come in and out of class, increasing brand awareness and interaction.

Social Media Shout-Out

We'll introduce you to our audience on our social media platforms as one of our valued partners. This includes sharing your business description and website, increasing your online presence and credibility.

Class Membership Pass

Enjoy a 4 or 8 class membership pass to experience the joy of dance firsthand. These passes can be used by you, or gifted as rewards to your employees or customers, promoting health and wellness while fostering community engagement.

If you’d like more information about how to become a Business Partner, contact us today.

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